Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Minimalist House with Minimalist Garden

In recent years, Minimalist House or Houses with Minimalist style property more attractive lovers. When we hear the word Minimalist, certainly in our minds is something that looks cute, or if in imagine a shirt, of course, clothes are minimal.

Minimalist Houses development at the moment, is not limited to design a small house with a narrow land. Many of these large houses and spacious but applying minimalist design. In fact, at this present moment everything can be linked with the word minimalist, such a minimalist garden, minimalist sofa, and others.

Minimalist in terms of actual house is a house with a simple design, built with existing materials, a cost that is relatively inexpensive, but produce a wonderful shape. To produce a room that feels relieved, by optimizing the light of incoming sunlight into the house and healthy air circulation.

But a growing Minimalist House today, we call it Modern Minimalist, is home to design a completely clean, with precision, looks tiny, with a striking blend of colors so that the walls of the house becomes more exposed especially coupled with the lines on the wall that makes it more looks interesting.
To create a house with a modern minimalist style, we must prepare a lot of cost. Because the house we are building is not a simple house. Many ornaments should we add in the manufacture of modern minimalist house, because we have to create a home that could eliminate the saturation of its inhabitants. Raw materials can we use the natural material. But it has become common knowledge, that by using natural materials, we must be willing to reach the pockets deeper.

To create the impression of a minimalist, in addition to using natural materials, we need to add the pattern of rectangular boxes and vertical lines to look like opening windows and air vents. Use only the lines are firm and stiff, do not use the model curve and bulge.

Minimalist Houses Making it feels incomplete if not accompanied by a minimalist garden, too. To create the impression of a minimalist, we can make a Minimalist Tropical garden by combining elements of minimalism and tropical plants.

We can add a gazebo with a strong and lightweight models and combine them with fish ponds or for our square pond with stepping stone pair. When we have decided to add a pond in a minimalist garden, use a fine-textured plants such as water Lotus, Bamboo Putoy and Papyrus. And if you want to add a garden lights, of course, you must select a lamp with a minimalist design.

For the selection of tropical plants that will be used, notice how the plants grow, easily maintained and can give the impression of cool and beautiful. Plants tropical plants that you can use is Bromelia, pacing, Palm Sadeng, Yellow Bamboo Bali, Neoregelia and also Cambodia.
Well, let’s have a try our creativity to combine the minimalist house and minimalist garden.

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